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Product Description:

SpheriCal® is a dendrimer-based MALDI-TOF MS calibration standard providing 4 monodisperse mass signals per kit for efficient, highly accurate calibration. By combining excellent long-term stability with evenly-spaced calibration points, SpheriCal® helps users increase the frequency and quality of their calibrations.  With a shelf life of years and each kit offering at least 100 calibrations, SpheriCal® offers a reliable and accurate calibration across a large mass range, without the shelf-life and storage issues associated with protein or peptide-based systems.


SpheriCal® Peptide Low covers a calibration range of 500 - 1,600 m/z, and is available as SpheriCal® Neat or SpheriCal® Mix.



SpheriCal® Mix is formulated with calibration standards, matrix and counter ion source pre-mixed in optimized ratios, so you just need to add solvent, dramatically accelerating sample preparation for calibration in minutes. SpheriCal® Mix is pre-formulated with selected matrices for robust calibration solutions.


Related Publications


  1. Advantages of Monodisperse and Chemically Robust “SpheriCal” Polyester Dendrimers as a “Universal” MS CalibrantJ. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom., 2014, 25, 303-309

SpheriCal® Mix SA Peptide Low (500-1,600 Da)

€309.00 Regular Price
€231.75Sale Price
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